
All prices include VAT
* The membership number must be indicated in the registration form. ** Students can present a maximum of one paper and must provide an official certificate of their student status when registering. *** Free for registered students

Payment Method

Attendees from China: Bank Transfer, Alipay, WeChatpay are recommened.
Attendees out of China: Bank Transfer, Paypal , Cash( USD) are recommended.

P.s. If there is any trouble with the payment, one could pay on-site with own country's currency.

In-person options

Additional paper presented by the same author (maximum of one additional paper per registration): 100 USD

Quotes include:
An electronic copy of the proceedings.
Lunch, coffee breaks, welcome reception, social events and conference dinner.

Accompanying Person

Quotes include:
welcome reception, social events and guided tours, conference dinner.
The accompanying program will be available on a minimum number of 20 people.

  • For any questions regarding ICHQP 2024, publications, any scientific issues or to request an invitation letter:
    Ms. Minnie Yang

  • For any questions regarding ICHQP 2024, organizing and academic issues:
    Dr. Yang Wang